Tom Cole - Walking Kings boxer bio

Tom Cole - Walking Kings boxer bio

Walking Kings proudly presents Tom Cole, a 20 years of age boxer with aspirations of making waves within the boxing scene and by god he will! Weighing in at 67kg he is incredibly sharp with boxing IQ that deservers respect. We believe in this walking king, that one day he'll achieve those dreams he works tirelessly for. We aim to support him all the way, as we refuse to watch talent and passion for the sport go to waste. 

Tom has shown he is ready to fight and even corner fighters in a recent show in Birmingham. His passion for the sport does not get unnoticed and he deserves his moment to shine. So at Walking Kings, want to shed light on this young man and his story so far. As we hope that this brand, will provide a platform for him to achieve those dreams all us kings desire!

Below is Tom Coles story so far, we hope you enjoy.

"The first ever time I stepped into a boxing gym was at the age of 6, I remember my mother taking me one day to see what days and what times it’s on. I remember the feeling of nervousness as I walked in but I was also excited! with the sound of people hitting bags, the shouting, the smell and the raw energy I loved it! So once I started, I was hooked that was it I was in love with it. After a week, it was like I’ve been boxing for ages and was surprised it came natural to me. It was all I ever thought about, talked about and done, like I said I was just hooked."

"Instantly sparring for the first time was great, I was scared to death don’t get me wrong but afterwards I felt like Rocky haha and then I remember the first time I got hurt in sparring... that wasn’t good. I ended up sparring a much older and bigger kid that had fights and obviously knew what he was doing more than me. I’d been put into the adults class cause I was better then the other kids, so then I found out what boxings all about. A year or two later, I had a gym show which basically a exhibition no one wins it’s glorified spar and the first kid was very good. He was about to have his first fight soon and his dad was the coach, he was older then me so you could say I had everything stacked against me. But there was no turning back! I boxed well but it ended in a tear up lol, everything went out the window and it was good. The boys even came up to my dad and said how many fights has he had? and my dad said none! it he’s first one and he couldn’t believe it because I gave such a good account of myself. So I had one more after that and then after that I got into football as most kids do. I ended up doing both, but boxing was my passion so when it was the time to chose between the two I chose boxing!"

"I never had my first proper fight until I was either 12 or 13, by this time I’d moved about a bit and been to a few different clubs. By this time I was in sporting ring, my first fight was in Portsmouth against a boy called Charlie who I knew because I used to box with him so I knew he was good! We had a very good fight and I was confident i was 100% going to win no matter the cost. In the end I did win and that feeling was unbelievable, I cried my eyes out like a baby it was like winning a world title haha. Few years on, unfortunately being inactive and not having many fights I sort of got sick with everything I wasn’t fighting I was always in the gym but never had the opportunity to show what I could do. So I thought I wanted to try the pro route but obviously I was to young to turn pro. I was about 15 when I started training and sparring with pro fighters so I always had it in my head to use this time to get ready for what you really wanna do. Which is turn pro, but i do feel now that was unwise of me cos I wasted a lot of time not getting the whole of amateur experience. But I wouldn’t change anything, because I learned a lot around the trainers and fighters I was with and met some great people."


"Once I got to 19, I thought this is it now it’s time to turn pro but the timing wasn’t right few things happened like the dreaded COVID and it was off. So I went back to amateur and my first fight back as a senior as well and got absolutely robbed!!! boxed a kid on his home show but you know how it goes, it is what it is. Now I’ve got my head on my shoulders and wised up a lot, I’m looking to get some more experience then turn over. Hopefully with in the next year or so, however we’ll see how things go. I’m only 20 so I’ve got time, but it’s been a long frustrating journey so far. I’m still here and I’m still grafting, my dream is to go on and do big things in this sport since a kid and since I put on gloves for the first time! it’s all I’ve dreamed about and all I wanted coming from the gypsy community boxing is a big part of it, most young boys like myself grow up in and around boxing and having role models in our community such as Tyson fury and Billy Joe Saunders it only spurs me on to achieve my goals in this sport. Every time I watch a big fight on the tv I get butterflies, because all that goes through my head is, this is what I want, this is what I wanna do and I’ve dedicated my life to this sport. I will continue to do so, I’ve had unfair and frustrating journey so far but I’m determined to keep on working, keep growing as a boxer and as a person ill do my absolute best to ensure my dreams come to a reality!!" 👑🥊

Be sure to follow Tom journey on his Instagram page, 

Many thanks to Tom Cole, you have shown the brand such enthusiasm and that means so much to me. At Walking Kings we truly appreciate the commitment you have shown and we will continue to support you on your journey to the top!

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